Emergency Alert Systems and Why Your Business Needs One

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Since The New Yorker published Kathryn Schulz’s piece “The Really Big One,” many people, especially on the West Coast, have begun talking about getting prepared for a big earthquake or really any natural disaster. Your office probably has a dusty binder somewhere with an emergency protocol and evacuation route should an earthquake occur, but a plan is worthless if your employees or customers are unaware of it. In the midst of a crisis, no one will have the time or the consciousness to dig out the binder and read the steps. The best time to prepare is now.Emergency Alert Systems

A telephone or overhead paging system is one of the most effective ways to communicate clear instructions to everyone in your facility. In a scary situation like an earthquake, clear instructions can mean the difference between life and death. These paging systems can be set up with zones so that messaging can be targeted to certain areas or delivered to an entire building or even to separate buildings on a campus. Utilizing zones can help minimize panic if only part of a facility needs to be evacuated. If the entire building is at risk, the entire system in all zones can be activated to give the appropriate messaging at the same time so that everyone gets the necessary information as quickly as possible. Pre-recorded messaging can be set up for different scenarios. For example, a fire alert can be set up to instruct employees or customers to evacuate using the stairs. During an earthquake, it could remind your employees to stay inside and get under their desks. While you may think that everyone knows what they should do in these situations, the truth is that people rarely think clearly in a crisis.

There are many types of emergency alert systems and many customizations you can make to adjust these systems to your business needs. An important thing to remember is that getting a back up power system is an absolute necessity. One of the first things to go during an earthquake is the electricity. Your system will be rendered useless if the power goes out any you don’t have a back up supply.

A customized system with a back up power supply is the best way to ensure your customers and employees remain safe. Another benefit of installing an emergency alert system is that you will reduce your liability and potentially your insurance costs. You should discuss this directly with your insurance provider.

For more information on how an emergency alert system could benefit your business or to get a free on-site consultation, please give us a call at (714) 617-4025 or contact us here. Ring and Ping Communications uses only the best and most trusted brands in paging, such as Bogen and Valcom, and we are committed to making sure the system we install is fully customized for your business needs.
